What Is Dataclean™ Advanced Metadata Cleanup?
If you’ve ever ripped CDs yourself, you’ve probably wished that the resulting album information (metadata) was cleaner and more organized. With DataClean™, dmp3 Music’s proprietary post-encoding advanced ID3 tag cleanup process, every order is scanned for incorrect or inconsistent metadata, and then cleaned to produce a super-organized, ready to use digital music library and file directory. Every order includes a job summary of any anomalies.
You can also send us your existing digital music library and we’ll clean it up using our DataClean™ Process. So if your current library is out of whack a needs a full scale tune-up, contact us for a quote.

DataClean™ Guarantee
We are confident that our delivered data is the best in the industry. If you are not completely satisfied with the quality and organization of your delivered music library, we will correct any problems free of charge, or refund your money. How can we guarantee this? In addition to using a number of high quality databases, we use our proprietary process to clean your entire library with a fine tooth comb. The end result is far better than what any standalone database (Gracenote, AMG, Sonata, GD3) can lay claim to. We have spent years perfecting this process, so chances are we are ahead of any other service that might offer advanced metadata cleanup. See our Dataclean™ process list below to get an idea of the lengths we go to.
DataClean™ Process:
Artist, Album, Song Name, Genre, Track Number and Disc Number tags are checked for accuracy and consistency.
All tracks are scanned to ensure that no errors have been made during encoding and that there are no missing or unplayable tracks.
All files are scanned for proper file name length and universal character usage. This ensures that all files are compatible with both Mac and Windows operating systems.
Duplicate CDs are eliminated. These are often found in consolidated collections.
Track numbers are removed from song name field, if necessary.
All artists are checked and edited to read ‘First Name’ then ‘Last Name’ – i.e. ‘Cohen, Leonard’ becomes ‘Leonard Cohen’.
All albums are checked and edited to eliminate duplicate album titles – i.e. if an album is named ‘Greatest Hits’, it’s appended to read ‘Greatest Hits – Barry White’.
All compilations are tagged as compilations, eliminating stray folders that contain only one or two songs. This process also creates easier compilation browsing in most digital music player applications.
Multiple disc set album tags are scanned and edited to standardize album title and disc number inconsistencies – i.e. ‘[Disc 1]’, ‘Disc 1’ and ‘Disk One’ become ‘(Disc 1)’.
Basic genre consolidation for browsing ease – i.e. ‘Acid Jazz’ and ‘Fusion’ become ‘Jazz’.
Album art is added, reviewed, and corrected for accuracy. Minimum album art size is 300×300. Higher quality art is applied if available.
Any CD not found (and we mean any!) via a database lookup is hand ripped and given it’s album or mix title. Additional charges may apply for extra tagging, such as artist, tracks, and genre.
Additional ID3 tag customization is available upon request.
Questions? We’re always happy to answer them. Please contact us.